Find your Ikigai and be Happier @Work


What the bleep is an Ikigai?

Okinawa islands in Japan, are the site of one of the very bloody battles in the 2nd world war between the Japanese and the US Armed forces. Paradoxically enough, it is also one of the places in the world where people on average live relatively long (many over 100) and healthy (less dementia etc)! One of the reasons, apart I guess from having healthy eating habits and that they have gorgeous beaches, is having an Ikigai.

 If you look on internet, it is not-surprisingly, all over the place. Your Ikigai (pronounce icky guy) is really your  ‘Why’; or the purpose you have in life. Or as Simon Sinek puts it so nicely: what is ‘the reason why you get out of bed every morning, and why should anyone care…?’[See 'Start with the why, Ted talk]'. Having a purpose that really inspires you for your life makes you happy. Wether that in itself was or was not surprising to you, the next question is…

How do I find my Ikigai? 

Well it is easy and it is difficult. Easy because at some deep level you know already; even though you can not always access this knowledge directly. Difficult, because, how do you know you have found the real thing? And if you are not convincced you have found it as yet, how do you find it? It is something that is not really found by rationality, hence it is bloody annoying for many of us result-oriented professionals, who just like an intellectual or 5 step approach to fix a problem. Nonetheless, taking time to find something really important for you such as what your life is about is probably worth it (right?).

One relatively easy way you may find it

Even so, it might be easy for you. I will give you one easy way to find it, and you might just find it right away. It is easy, but it is not a method that generally appeals very much… it is awkwardly enough writing your obituary. Your obituary is the speech you want (or hope) one of your beloved ones will make when you have passed away. This is a method also described by Stephen Covey (Seven habits of Highly Effective People), one of the best-known management guru’s. He puts this aptly in the context of his first ‘habit for highly effective people called: ‘Begin with the end in mind’. So if you know what you want to have accomplished or done by the end of your life, it is good to be aware of this now. And it increases the likelihood of your achieving what you want to accomplish tremendously!

How do I approach that?

First, take a good long walk in the forest or the fields. If you meditate or do mindfulness, do that for a while. Or jog, or bike a bit, whatever works for you to get out of your head. Then sit behind your desk and start writing. Pen and paper work better than computer, but whatever you want. Imagine you have just died (at a nice old age, in your sleep, healthy up until then…). Your best friend, or your partner, or one of your kids, or whomsoever is close to you is voicing your obituary. What would you want them to remember you by…..?

 If you found your Ikigai with this method, put it on a sticky note so you can see it every day. E.g. on the mirror, or next to your bed…. If you did not find your Ikigai yet, stick with it, and read on ;-).

If the easy way to find your Ikigai does not work for you

My girl friend at the time told me, she would remember me as hard working….that was not what I wanted to be remembered by. So I spent quite some time finding my life's purpose. When I found my Ikigai, for me it was coaching to support people in the search of a fulfilling life and happiness… hence this blog. If you can’t find it in the way described above (and most people do not), or the obituaries are not your thing, I have created a five step (yes) method to find your purpose. In this method I brought all my years of searching and money spent, together in said 5 step program which can be completed in months.

Take action now!

If you are interested to find your Ikigai, I have planned a free webinar to explain the method to obtain it, please click here.

 Or if you want an intake for coaching, please me directly via this link.